Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More Birds

Coulon Park has lots of Ducks. If you can see the lake, you can see ducks almost anywhere in the park. Many of the male ducks don't hang out with other ducks a lot of the time.

It seems like a lonely life.
In the spring they seem to get together more and aliens with strange head colors and "Duck Tails" show up and they all want a girlfriend.
When they get a girlfriend, they hide out in the rushes like the geese and hatch out a nest full of eggs.
After the eggs hatch, the daddy duck hangs around on the edges of the family, but isn't allowed close enough for a family photo.
Swimming lessons are the first order of business.
After a few days of practice around the nest area they venture out to deep water.
Since ducks are very prolific at the park I think many people hardly notice them. Little children frequently feed the ducks in spite of all the signs prohibiting it. If you don't like the geese or ducks there are plenty of other birds hanging around.

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