I haven't shoveled snow since I moved off Mt. Hood in 1995. Yesterday, after being snowed in since last week, I cleaned off the car and shoveled a path for the passengers. However I only drove to the end of the driveway and discovered the partially packed and rutted snow on the street was too much for my snow tires and I quickly decided it was not worth putting the chains on. ( I haven't used them since the Mt Hood days. ) We outfitted Heather with a backpack and Sandi, Heather and I walked to the grocery store and public mail box. We haven't received mail lately but at least we could send some out. We took the camera along to record events. Sandi has been making quilts during our enforced time at home so we also decided to walk a little out of the way to a friend's house to pick up a quilt batt.
Heather said goodbye to Dustbunny who doesn't much care for the snow and stays under the wheelbarrow most of the time when he is outside.
There is some traffic on the streets, mostly chained up, and several people are out walking. The scenery is pretty nice with the snow on everything. This holly tree looks festive for the season.
Now, maybe the mail will get through......
or this might be the reason for the delay.A long walk to town needs to be rewarded.
You can't waste a significant (historic) snow event without making a snow angel.
Good thing quilt batts are not heavy.
That's too funny Dad! I don't mind the mailman not getting by but our garbage was suppose to get picked up Friday morning and it still hasn't. We have run out of room so I don't know what we will do with the wrapping garbage Christmas morning if they don't get by soon!